
I am an ideas activator and strategic business analyst, experienced in methods clarifying an innovator’s journey to fruition, then scale.

I co-founded a tech IP start up in 2002 in Darwin, commercialising by selling IP into global business software markets while transforming into a sustainable company.

I founded Rust490 co-workspace entrepreneurial hub in Darwin in 2014, partnering to help catalyse the journey of the NT’s innovation ecosystem.

Rust490 now consults on strategic market impact business pathways, welcoming creative unorthodoxy, while using well-honed methods to support innovators finding desirable, feasible, viable go-to-market MVPs for ideas flourishing to business.

Special Interests

I love working with open-minded, creative, entrepreneurial people, willing to partner and explore ideas rigorously for MVP results.

I grasp unique industry value propositions and business models rapidly, understanding most economic sectors.

The principles underpinning successful business models emerging commercially from the Territory are market/customer impact, walking with First Nations peoples, ecological sustainability, technology, and creative diverse fearless Territorians.

Start-up concepts often commercialise as micro businesses- successful set up is critical. Disruptive concepts also originate within established business, equally fascinating when seeking strategies for commercialisation, investment, market impact, and value.

Stage One Services

Approach: Apply customer focused design thinking, ideation, a keen eye on transformative risks/opportunities of technology/IP, role/power of data, insights into market risks/opportunities


  1. Rapid concept analysis
  2. Rapid iterative business model/plan mapping, finding MVP
  3. Efficiently develop innovation plan/pitch

Start with a conversation:

  1. Use my checklists – established success inputs
  2. Co-plan modes (an online course taken independently, workshops to pursue a particular analytical method)
  3. Generate a tailored service package for advisory services
  4. Agree ways of working, tasks, commercial arrangements

Consider dynamics:

  1. Headwinds impacting business - VUCA

Network effects- activating connections to help

Stage One Package Price: $3,250

Contact details

Rust 490 LOGO