Innovation is the disciplined process of creating new and betters ways of doing things. Innovation is often born from a need to solve a problem or to do something differently.

The Doblin Ten Types of Innovation is a framework that can be used to identify, diagnose or enrich an innovation you are working on, or to analyse existing competition. It can be used to identify opportunities and to construct robust and defensible innovations. When talking about innovation in our support programs or on this website, we use language that is consistent with the Doblin framework.

Business innovation occurs across three categories which break down further into ten sub-categories. The more categories your innovation touches on, the more successful your product will be.

  • Configuration is the category which focusses on the innermost workings of an enterprise and its business systems, such as saving time and money by streamlining a cumbersome process.
  • Offering is the category which focusses on a core product or service.
  • Experience is the category that includes the customer-facing elements of an enterprise and its business systems.

Tesla is an example of a company that innovates across all of the categories:

  1. the configuration of Tesla’s manufacturing operations means it manufactures many of its own parts and is able to adopt last minute design changes into production on a regular basis
  2. their offering includes electric battery-powered vehicles that are fast, safe and stylish
  3. their vehicles provide customer experience by intuitively interfacing with car owners’ mobile devices.

If you are starting in innovation, or are unsure of how to bring your ideas to life, we encourage you to dive deeper into the Doblin Ten Types of Innovation.

About Us

Territory businesses are renowned for their ingenuity, competitiveness, profitability and sustainability. The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade is supporting a strong, vibrant economy for all Territorians that is driven by a culture of innovation.

Our goal is to ignite, inspire and intensify a sustainable innovation ecosystem across the Territory, expanding and diversifying our economic growth through more successful start-ups, commercialisation of new products, services and processes, and accelerated growth of high potential businesses, driving opportunities to grow private investment and create jobs.

Northern Territory Business Innovation Strategy

The Northern Territory Business Innovation Strategy focusses on strengthening the Territory’s business innovation culture and creating a sustainable innovation ecosystem. The strategy outlines the Northern Territory Government’s approach to ignite, inspire and intensify the innovation ecosystem.

See the actions for achieving our strategy.

Page last updated on 22 April 2022