Join the NT Science Forum Committee
Would you like to be a part of a forum that helps grow science, technology and innovation community in the Territory?
The Forum will facilitate better visibility of the science being conducted in all sectors across the Territory, celebrate good science, and provide better advocacy to key decision makers about issues and opportunities for science in the Territory.
Since the launch, the Forum has held one meeting to discuss the purpose, membership and governance of the Forum.
Expressions of interest for the Chairperson and general committee positions are now being sought.
Committee functions and responsibilities
The committee will undertake the following functions and responsibilities:
- attend quarterly meetings
- take a lead role in developing a future vision for the Territory’s science culture and community in line with the Territory Business Innovation Strategy 2.0
- engage with the science community and stakeholders to elicit feedback to inform strategy on development of science and technology in the Northern Territory
- provide recommendations to ensure that the Territory’s science activities and programs are providing maximum benefit to the Territory’s sustainable economic development and job creation
- provide advice on building, local, national and international connections that strengthen our local science ecosystem
- develop options and advice for short and medium-term actions to achieve greater levels of investment in science in the Territory
- oversee the development of strategies to increase the number and quality of scientists, as well as measures to enhance science education and training
- recommend approaches to improve, and actively raise community awareness of science and celebrating success of the local community.
Chairperson functions and responsibilities
The chairperson will also undertake the following functions and responsibilities:
- conducting meetings and leading the group’s activities
- set meeting agendas
- ensure the roles and responsibilities of the group are fulfilled
- ensure members are familiar and compliant with the terms of reference
- provide reports and feedback to the forum and to other interested stakeholders
- represent the Territory science sector at appropriate forums.
How to nominate
Email the Business Innovation team innovation@nt.gov.au by Monday 7 November 2022.
Nominations will be endorsed at the forum meeting on Thursday 10 November 2022.
To attend the November meeting, register on the Eventbrite website.
More information
If you have any questions or require further information email innovation@nt.gov.au or call 08 8999 1959.