The Business Innovation unit is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from an experienced and qualified service providers to outsource the management and operation of a Women’s Innovation Network NT Committee.
Women's Innovation Network NT background
The Northern Territory (NT) Government originally founded the Women’s Innovation Network NT (WINNT) in 2020, in line with its commitment to developing the next generation of STEAMM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, and medicine) enabled entrepreneurial innovators in the Territory.
Since then, the network has grown to include representatives from almost every industry across the Territory and has a dedicated group of women volunteering on the committee to bring value in this area.
The purpose of the WINNT is to increase diversity and gender equity in innovation and STEAMM through retention, attraction and elevation of women and girls by:
- strengthening the representation of women in innovation and STEAMM in the Territory
- developing a pipeline of opportunities and pathways to encourage and attract girls and young women into innovation
- empowering women and girls to engage with the NT’s innovation ecosystem and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities
- increasing access, visibility of support and development opportunities for women and girls into innovation
- identifying and showcasing female role models in science and innovation.
Formalise WINNT as a self-sufficient organisation dedicated to advancing women in innovation and STEAMM fields. Our vision encompasses the creation of a sustainable membership model, the development of a strategic plan for sponsorship and partnerships, and the design and delivery of programs and initiatives that closely align with the network's objectives.
Create a solutions based proposal on network feedback that includes:
- a operational plan and budget to manage the network
- a comprehensive strategy to formalise WIN NT as a non-profit organisation
- a sustainable membership model that includes training mentoring for new committee members
- a strategic plan for sponsorship and partnership with business, educational institutions and other relevant organisations
- design and delivery of programs and initiatives that align with the networks objectives
- increases the visibility and access to support for women in innovation and STEAMM.
The design must align with the following design principles:
- Think big, start small, learn fast, scale up, through open innovation, human centred design, and 4.0 technology.
- Support, diversify, and grow our innovation ecosystem to empower Territorians to innovate and commercialise more efficiently and effectively.
- Collaborate locally, nationally, and internationally to solve our own problems, strengthen our weaknesses, build on our capabilities.
- Deliver innovation to support priority NT Government strategic objectives including Territory Economic Reconstruction, Digital and Terabit Territory, STEM in the Territory, and climate change.
The solutions must align with the NT Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade’s strategic priorities to:
- grow a skilled, agile and capable workforce to meet industry needs
- foster and building capability and capacity of businesses to be profitable, resilient and sustainable
- champion the adoption of innovation, science and technology to enhance the Territory’s competitive advantage and productivity.
View the innovation strategy.
$10,000 + GST for duration of the first year.
How it works
- Submit your EOI proposal, budget and operational plan by close of business on 9 May 2024.
- The Business Innovation team will engage a panel to assess the applications and select based on the EOI criteria and NT Government EOI scoring scale.
- Upon selection and contract execution, a payment of $10,000 will be disbursed.
- Future funding for the network will be contingent of the outcomes achieved in the first year.
- It is expected that the organisation will become independent of NT Government and self-sufficient.
How to apply
Email your EOI proposal to innovation@nt.gov.au by Thursday 9 May 2024.
More information
Contact the Business Innovation team:
Phone: 08 8999 7373