The Step into STEM schools program aims to address the current low STEM degree enrolment rates seen for Northern Territory school students by providing a structured program to engage NT middle and high school students at the 'critical' years (Years 9 - 11) when students are making pivotal decisions about subject selection and subsequent tertiary study.
We know that the first step to assisting our young people to further STEM study at university is answering the pragmatic questions – What subjects should I be looking to take next year? What are the alternate pathways to STEM? I don’t think I’m good at maths – can I still make it to a STEM degree?
The Step into STEM program connects school students to current STEM university students and young professionals in the Territory and provides a holistic schools program to engage Darwin and surrounding remote and regional students across 3 main channels, Challenge, Mentor and Experience.
Each week, mentors travel to the schools to deliver the ‘How Cool is Your School’ challenge which sees the students heat map their local environment and test experiments and modifications to sustainably cool their local environment. At the end of the challenge, the students come together at Charles Darwin University to present their research findings, discuss their recommendations for their local school area and hear from real-life STEM researchers about the exciting STEM research occurring right now in the Territory!
The program has commenced in select schools for Term 4, 2021 with plans to expand the program in 2022 - all Darwin and surrounding regional and remote high schools are eligible. If you represent a school that is interested in participating, or you are a current STEM university student or young professional interested in becoming a mentor in 2022 please contact the program manager at stepintostemnt@gmail.com.