DriveAbout World, the owner of innovative road safety app, DriveAbout, originally developed for a need in the remote Northern Territory (NT) and now targeting all Australian road users regardless of language, has won the NT Digital Excellence Community Benefit Award.
DriveAbout represents a local multi-million-dollar innovation that was born out of a vision to use digital technology to meet an education need. DriveAbout consists of brilliant competency-based animation of road rules and road safety principles in multiple languages (Aboriginal and foreign) delivered from an App with a test - which effectively replaces the road rule book and test. The app is designed to assist people of all ages better learn the principles of road safety and road rules.
This caps off an excellent year for DriveAbout which won two National awards including the Australian Road Safety Award for Innovation. The founder Clinton Hoffmann said that this validation in our 'own backyard' was invaluable and a much-deserved reward for a 5‑year journey and heavy investment.
Development of the DriveAbout app was supported by the NT Government through the Business Innovation Support Initiatives (BISI) grants program.
If you have a business innovation concept, you can apply for the Business Innovation Program (the successor to the BISI program), a wrap-around service that provides access to integrated coaching, funding and ecosystem opportunities to support you to develop and implement a business innovation commercialisation plan.