Drone noise regulations - public consultations closing soon

Drones noise regulations

In June 2019, the Australian Government undertook a review of the Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Regulations 2018 to determine the appropriate scope of future noise regulation for drones and other specialised aircraft operations. The review made a number of recommendations including development of an interim regulatory framework for the management of drones and electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft noise, and a long-term drone and eVTOL noise framework.

regulation impact statement (RIS) on drone and emergency aviation technology noise regulations has been drafted and is open for comment. The government invites written submissions on any aspect of the options proposed.

To stimulate the development of submissions, you may wish to consider the following questions:

  • Which option best aligns with the direction of your business / organisation or personal interests?
  • Are there any other options that could benefit the emerging aviation technology sector?
  • What level of regulation do you expect from the government?
  • What are your expectations about the extent of the government’s role and responsibilities in the management of drone and eVTOL aircraft noise?
  • How important is compliance with regulations to you?
  • Would any of the options be unachievable, place an unreasonable burden on your business/organisation or result in you leaving the industry?
  • What benefits/opportunities do new aviation technologies offer for Australia?
  • What role does appropriate regulation play in Australia’s ability to realise these opportunities?
  • To what extent should Australia seek to harmonise our approach to noise regulation with international approaches?
  • Are there other issues that the Australian Government should consider?

Submissions close Monday 4 October 2021.

Please address submissions to:

Director, National Emerging Aviation Technologies Policy
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications 

Alternatively, send by post to:

GPO Box 594
Canberra ACT 2601

Article last updated on 15 November 2021