Hydrogen master plan released

Solar Power station

The renewable hydrogen master plan charts a pathway for the Northern Territory Government to accelerate the development of a renewable hydrogen industry.

The Territory is well positioned to be at the forefront of the developing renewable hydrogen industry with large areas of land, high solar irradiance, close proximity to export markets and a well established world-scale energy production and export industry.

The master plan provides an analysis of the Territory’s renewable hydrogen aspirations and describes the foundational work required to build a renewable hydrogen industry that benefits the whole of the Territory. Forecasts show that hydrogen is estimated to add $26 billion to the Australian economy with $3.7 billion in growth for the Northern Territory and 16,900 full-time equivalent jobs.

“Our master plan sets the pathway to export renewable hydrogen. But it also sets the pathway for a hydrogen Territory to ensure that the social, environmental and economic benefits from renewable hydrogen are shared across the Territory."

- Eva Lawler, Minister for Renewables

Renewable hydrogen presents a significant opportunity for the Territory to simultaneously drive emissions reduction and economic growth by:

  • extracting value from our Territory sunshine
  • meeting growing global demand for clean, green energy and greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and
  • diversifying our economy.

The master plan charts a pathway for the Territory Government to accelerate the development of a renewable hydrogen industry and outlines activities needed to secure private sector investment, including: 

  1. demonstration phase: the government is currently working with proponents, to progress research and trials
  2. targeted application: the second phase will see the development of hydrogen production and end-use technologies
  3. large-scale production for export: the final stage will see production using technologies sufficiently developed so they are cost competitive.

To read the renewable hydrogen master plan, go the the Territory Renewable Energy website.

Article last updated on 3 March 2022