Territorians are invited to have their say on a new draft strategy designed to advance the growth of the local drone industry.
The drone industry has experienced significant growth over recent years with the global market estimated to be worth US$30 billion in 2022, comprising the revenue from drone sales, components and related services.
The Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission’s Final Report identifies drones as one of the emerging digital technologies that will play an important role in driving economic growth and job creation.
A mature drone industry has the potential to increase productivity and economic participation across all sectors and presents significant opportunities in regional and remote areas of the Territory.
The draft Northern Territory Drone Industry Strategy sets out a framework to drive the development of drone technologies to enhance traditional industries, deliver economic benefits and transform service delivery.
The draft strategy has 4 focus areas:
- Industry growth: work with industry to sustainably grow the NT drone industry.
- Education, training and workforce development: work with research and educational organisations to develop a skilled workforce required for the NT drone industry.
- Regulation and government settings: work with all levels of government to establish a regulatory environment that enables drone industry growth.
- Community and recreation: work with the public to increase awareness of and recreational use of drones.
Territorians, business and industry are encouraged to have their say on the draft strategy, as input is essential to inform future development of the sector. Consultation is open until 5pm Sunday 14 April.
To read the draft strategy and to provide feedback go to the Have your Say website.